The Coworking Collection: 20+ Essential Resources

coworking guide

What’s a coworking and how does it work? We spent over 40 hours picking out the most essential free ebooks and articles and compiled them into one collection to provide you with the best overview.

Now you have everything at a glance!

Whether you are an expert on this topic or a total greenhorn, whether you want to start your own coworking business or find the best place to co-work, these resources will tell you everything you need to know.

Find out about the rise of coworking and the social and economic trends making it possible. Learn how to find and select the perfect space and master the art of adjusting to collaborative environments.

The Most Awesome & Free eBooks

Deskmag’s Coworking Space Trends Survey

The biggest coworking online magazine brings new data about coworking spaces‘ situation amids the global pandemic.

Main topics:

  • Current situation of coworking businesses (as of December 2021)
  • Profitability of coworking spaces in the last 12 months
  • Workspace types, trends & availability

The results of the survey are well illustrated in the form of graphs, charts, and metrics data. The illustrations are very clear and easy to understand.

Coworking Manual

The authors are the first Coworking start-up in China. In the manual, they explain how to launch a similar business by sharing their development and experiences and hoping to inspire and encourage more people to do the same.

Making Space For Others

A resource for anyone who wants to create a better workspace.

This report tries to understand how the socio-economic factors that spawned coworking will continue to affect our workspaces for the better – and with this create tools to make it happen.

By Katy Jackson. This report was completed as the final project of her Masters’s Degree at Hyper Island.

Coworking In Vermont: A Starter Guide

Guide was written by Lars Hasselblad Torres with support from the Vermont Center for Emerging Technologies Farm.

A guideline that explains the necessity, strategies for developing Coworking Spaces, and how to apply these strategies. It includes a checklist and project projections with examples that will help you to plan a Coworking business.

Igniting An Idea: The Creative Spark

Wisconsin-oriented study concerning Coworking Spaces.

Main points of interest include profiles of coworkers, targeted businesses & individuals, market demand, or profiles of Coworking Spaces.

The Co-working Space Concept

This document illustrates the key concept of Coworking Spaces and explains how they are created to match specific demands.

It points out the main benefits of Coworking Spaces and identifies the basic services they offer.

The Workshop: Coworking

A global report about how Coworking Spaces could change the working lives of millions. Brief growth analysis of the global coworking economy and its future.

The key concept of Coworking Spaces, Service & Operators are well described in this workshop.

The Coworking Revolution

DWP researches on coworking spaces, their changes over time, predictions for the future and current state of coworkings under the Covid-19 global pandemic.

How Freelancers Experience their Working Conditions as Users of Coworking Spaces

Malmö University’s Laurie Haise’s master’s thesis investigates how freelancers experience job precarity and asymmetrical power relations within the media production industry.

She also addresses how coworking spaces provide a workspace with the possibilities of knowledge sharing, networking, and community building, as a framework in order to challenge their precarious working conditions.

Coworking Office Building Guide – Madrid

Madrid-based Coworking office infrastructure guidelines. Well-defined dynamics, strategy, and map analysis will help you to develop your own coworking space.

Useful links

Why cowork

Pioneering A New Twist On Coworking Models

At the Next Stop, an Office and Co-Workers

The 9 joys of coworking

5 Reasons to Close The Door on Private Offices

How Coworking Spaces Can Grow Your Company

Why Cowork? For Your Mental Health

Coworking is Awesome, Let’s Keep It That Way

10 Questions To Ask Before Choosing A CoworkingSpace

Coworking spaces

The 100 Best Coworking Spaces In Europe

Guidelines For Coworking Spaces In 2021

23 of the Best Coworking Spaces in the U.S.

Five Reasons More Companies Are Using Co-Working in Addition to Their Traditional Office

7 Top CoWorking Spaces In New York

Last but not least…

if you’re looking for a new space to co-work, come visit us at Coworking in the Sun in beautiful Tenerife!

Komm zu uns!

Coworking in the SUN befindet sich auf Teneriffa, einem der besten Knotenpunkte der Welt für digitale Nomaden. Tritt unserer Facebook-Gruppe mit mehr als 20.000 Mitgliedern bei und erfahre, warum.

What Do You Wish To Book?

Single Desk

Get the best out of working abroad by booking a single chair in our large open-space coworking room.

#nomads #budget
Office 2

Private Office

Our brand new private offices provide you with maximum privacy and comfort. For you and your whole team.

#teams #comfort

Was möchtest Du buchen?

Einzelnen Platz

Nutzen die Möglichkeit, im Ausland zu arbeiten, und buche einen Einzelplatz in unserem großen Open-Space-Coworking-Raum.

#nomads #budget
Office 2

Privates Büro

Unsere brandneuen Privatbüros bieten euch ein höchstmaß an Privatsphäre und Komfort, für dich und dein ganzes Team.

#teams #comfort