Tired Of Your Desk Job? Why Don’t You (Learn to) Live Like A Digital Nomad?

Do You Know Who a Digital Nomad is?

Digital nomads travel around the world and use their digital skills to earn money. They work location independently.

Some of them have remote jobs in companies without a fixed office, but the majority of them work as freelancers, solo- or entrepreneurs. They decide not only where to work, but they also choose when, for how long and whom they work for. They call it “the good life”. I call it freedom.

So, why don’t you live like a digital nomad? Explore the world. Meet like-minded people, make new friends. And, most importantly, work on something you are passionate about. Sounds pretty incredible, right?

Don’t worry, we can help you get there. When you come to Tenerife you won’t be just coworking and learning about digital marketing

TenerifeSEOintheSUN, Coworking in the Sun and our Spanish School is all about good vibrations in beautiful surroundings with a relaxing international atmosphere.

You will meet Spanish learners at our FU Café. You will work together with digital nomads in our coworking space.  And you will party with all of them after working and learning. If you choose to live in our shared flats you will get to know them even better. So, it’s all about new contacts, networking, learning from each other and making new friends for life. And there is more.

Coming to Tenerife means taking the first step as a digital nomad

Give it a try and experience the digital nomad lifestyle first-hand. You can book one of our digital marketing trainings. Or reserve your coworking desk together with coliving options for as long as you want. We call it our 365 days workation camp.

See you in the sun.

Komm zu uns!

Coworking in the SUN befindet sich auf Teneriffa, einem der besten Knotenpunkte der Welt für digitale Nomaden. Tritt unserer Facebook-Gruppe mit mehr als 20.000 Mitgliedern bei und erfahre, warum.

What Do You Wish To Book?

Single Desk

Get the best out of working abroad by booking a single chair in our large open-space coworking room.

#nomads #budget
Office 2

Private Office

Our brand new private offices provide you with maximum privacy and comfort. For you and your whole team.

#teams #comfort

Was möchtest Du buchen?

Einzelnen Platz

Nutzen die Möglichkeit, im Ausland zu arbeiten, und buche einen Einzelplatz in unserem großen Open-Space-Coworking-Raum.

#nomads #budget
Office 2

Privates Büro

Unsere brandneuen Privatbüros bieten euch ein höchstmaß an Privatsphäre und Komfort, für dich und dein ganzes Team.

#teams #comfort